In the service of the People's Labor Union of Russian Solidarians

Back in 1941, Arkady Petrovich Stolypin was elected chairman of the People's Labor Union of Russian Solidarists (NTS) in France (he headed the department until 1949). (Bogatov 2013)

During the Second World War, he led the conspiratorial work on material and legal assistance to refugees from Russia, and since 1945 he represented the Executive Bureau of the NTS in Western Europe, organized the protection of Soviet refugees from forced export to the USSR. (Zubova 2020)

Since 1946, Stolypin became a member of the NTS Council. Arkady Stolypin was friends with Gleb Aleksandrovich Rahr and his brother Lev. Gleb Rahr collaborated with Stolypin in the foreign sector of the People's Labor Union of Russian Solidarists (NTS) (Stolypin 1964). Also, according to Dmitry Rar's son Gleb, Arkady Petrovich Stolypin was a member of the "Holy Prince Vladimir Brotherhood" (Kholodyuk 2008).

He was familiar with Nikolai Rutchenko and Grigory Okulovich. In the early 1950s, they fought against KGB agents who tried to kidnap individual emigrants. At the same time, they are jointly recruiting Soviet troops from West Berlin and helping fugitives from the East (Stolypine 1996, 303,321).

Stolypin from 1954 to 1960 headed the foreign affairs sector of the NTS. (SID - Foreign Affairs Sector) he came to Frankfurt am Main from Paris for 3 weeks every year to work. (Rar 2011, 9)

On July 20-21, 1957, in the Belgian city of Spa, Stolypin gathered a "brain trust" - meetings of the NTS with the leadership and the public of European states on the "Russian question" - in fact, the continuation of the anti-Soviet struggle with the help of the West. (Rar 2011, 316-317)

In the late 60s, Ilya Glazunov often visited Stolypin. Arkady Petrovich calls him in his memoirs "Gromyko's protege" (Stolypine 1996, 334).
I will remember the meetings with Stolypin's son in Paris in 1968, at which NN Rutchenko, already known to the reader, was always present, or simply Nick-Nick. " (Glazunov 2005, 802)
“Not far from my exhibition, in a cafe on the rue de Varennes, we sat down at a table with Arkady Petrovich Stolypin, a fearless and consistent fighter against communism. The reader can imagine how excited I was when talking to Stolypin's own son. I did not know then that he was one of the founders of the NTS (who later, as it turned out, was pushed further and further away from the leadership of this organization by the "new pro-American forces"). But meeting with him in any case was dangerous for a Soviet citizen. Fifteen minutes later, two people landed at the next table, breathing fast, ordering a beer headlong. They looked like real Frenchmen. But I was alarmed not that they, silently sipping an amber drink, defiantly did not look at us, but that one of them had the narrow end of his tie tucked into the cut of his shirt on his chest between the buttons. Yes, these are ours, Soviet ones, the instinct of self-preservation prompted me.
I had to interrupt Arkady Petrovich's monologue about the essence and meaning of the October Revolution, which he understood as a pogrom of Russia, organized by secret forces, and explain to him on the street what this was connected with. He reacted with a smile: "You are from there, you know better." "They" followed us.
And three days later, one of the embassy's advisers, having come to my exhibition, told me that Galina Brezhneva, who had arrived with her daughter in Paris, wanted to visit it.
Saying goodbye, he held my hand in his and, looking around, quietly said: “We do not advise you to communicate with Stolypin's son. You may become restricted to travel abroad. Have you forgotten about the “Stolypin ties”? Read Lenin. " (Glazunov 2005, 202)

In 1956-1984, Arkady Stolypin - Chairman of the Supreme Court of Conscience and Honor of the NTS. (Zubova 2020)

Publicistic and human rights activities

Stolypin was known primarily as a member of the editorial board of the Posev magazine (1956-1990). As a professional journalist, Arkady Petrovich also served in Agence France-Presse since 1949, was elected vice-chairman of the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists in France.

Arkady Petrovich and Françoise Gracia Paz Luis had three children in marriage: Peter (1931-1961), Dmitry (1934-2014), Maria (1947-1999). It is known that only Dmitry Arkadyevich followed in his father's footsteps. After serving in the French army, he graduated from the Higher School of Social Sciences and continued his studies as a journalist. In 1958, probably not without the help of his father, Dmitry was hired by the Agence France-Presse. Two years later, the son of Arkady Stolypin joined the NTS and went to work in the foreign affairs sector, which was led by his father: Dmitry was engaged in establishing union contacts with the French press and student youth. (Pushkarev 2015)

Before Khrushchev's visit to Paris, the French authorities expelled Stolypin to Corsica.
Arkady Petrovich was also the organizer of literary meetings and public events for emigrants from Russia.
In 1979, he spoke at the evening of the meeting of three generations of emigration, in 1982, in the Paris office of Poseva, he opened an evening in memory of human rights activist Y. Galanskov, in 1983 he led the literary evening of G. Vladimov. He actively supported dissidents, remained a monarchist and did not accept French citizenship.

Arkady Petrovich was the author of the books "PA Stolypin" (Paris, 1927), "In the Service of Russia" (Frankfurt am Main, 1986).

Together with his son he wrote memoirs: "La Mongolie entre Moscou et Pekin" (Mongolia between Moscow and Beijing. Paris, 1971), the book "Les pourvoyeurs du Goulag: La police secrète et les camps de concentration, creation leniniste, 1917-1920" ( Gulag Suppliers: Police and Concentration Camps, Leninist Generation, 1917-1920. Geneva, 1978), De l'Empire à l'exil: avant et apres 1917: memoires (From Empire to Exile: Before and After 1917: Memories ", Published posthumously in Paris in 1996). In 1986, the journal "Russian World" published a memoir essay "The Word about the Father". (Pushkarev 2015)

Arkady Petrovich Stolypin died in Paris on December 11, 1990. Buried in the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery. (Zubova 2020)

Arcadii Petrovich Stolypin (1903-1990)

Arkady Petrovich Stolypin and his wife Gracita George-Louis on the day of the wedding, 1930
From left to right : sitting : Arcady Stolypin, Ivan Ilyin’s wife, Helena Volkonskaya (née Stolypin), Ivan Ilyin. South Tyrol, Italy, August 1927. Archive of I.A. Ilyin.
Arcady Petrovich Stolypin