Born in 1883 in Leipzig, in the German Protestant family.
In 1904 he moved to Orthodoxy. He married Russian - Marina Sergeyevna Ivanova graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary in 1907 and the Moscow Theological Academy (in which he studied from 1912 to 1916) with a degree of candidate of theology. ( 2006)

Since 1907, he began his clergy career in the Novogradvalyan Cathedral of the Volyn Diocese. After graduating from the Moscow Spiritual Academy in 1916, he began the service in the parishes in the Kharkiv diocese. He taught German in the Kharkov spiritual seminary. In 1919-1920, he was a regimental priest in the White Army.

Ovdov, he accepted the monastic stopper and was dedicated to Kharkov to the bishops with an update Metropolitan Pimen (Pegov). In 1927, he was appointed Bishop Zmievsky, Akhtyrsky. ( 2006)

At the turn of 1929-1930, Lada was located in Soviet Russia, from where he was expelled as the German citizen. Returned to Germany and for the personal resolution of Metropolitan Anthony (Khrazkovitsky) was taken to the Russian Orthodox Church, abroad (ROCZ) in the judgment of San. Bishop Tegelsky (for other information, Potsdamsky) in the ROCD. Some time was the abbot of the Orthodox parcel in Vienna in Sana Bishop Vienna, the Vicar of the German Diocese of the ROCZ. It is noteworthy that the ledge confessed that the OGPU was recruited (Mal'tsev 2009).

From the 30s, the bishops of the Synod entrusted the boring of the older parishes in Bessarabia Father Seraphim. During his trips, Lada made priests, baptism, and also supported the parishes by the world and antimony, and then the other bishop Seraphim received from the Patriarch of the Serbian Varnava. In the late 1930s. Relations between the ROCS and the Romanian church were actually interrupted.(Grabbe 2008)

In 1937, as a representative of the Russian Foreign Church, Bishop Seraphim (Lady) took part in the conference "Vera and Church Story" in Oxford and Edinburgh. At the 2nd conference held in July 1937 in Oxford, Bishop Seraphim insisted on the condemnation of communism, but in vain. The archpastor noted that members of the conference pounded the national fascism and even capitalism, but feared to speak out against Bolshevism and agreed only to the condemnation of atheism. "Most members of the conference," said Bishop Seraphim, was the opinion that in the USSR really all power in the hands of the proletariat ..., while in fact the Communist Party or, more precisely, the Unionskaya Tip of this party captured all the power and set the bloody Dictatorship over the proletariat. "
Despite the skeptical attitude towards such events, Bishop Seraphim in subsequent pre-war years still took part in them. So, after visiting the conference in Edinburgh (August 1937), the bishop noted that the Orthodox presence was revealed to Protestants "Wealth and Beauty of Orthodoxy".
The 1938 Bishops' Cathedral allowed him to participate in ecumenical meetings in missionary purposes. (Kostryukov 2015, 308-309)

In 1938 he headed the German diocese. As an ethnic German, he satisfied the authorities of the Nazis. After a year, Lada became Archbishop Berlin and German (Kostryukov 2015, 57).
On June 22, 1941, Vladyka Seraphim came out with the appeal in support of the campaign against the Bolsheviks and Soviet power (Mal'tsev 2009).

Since 1942, he headed the mid-European Metropolitan ROCC district and accepted San Metropolitan. At the same time I met General Vlasov. In general, the German diocese supported the initiatives of the future leader of the Russian Liberation Army. Orthodox priests ocked the Vlasov division. The appointment of these spiritual persons was Lyade (Mal'tsev 2009).

However, over time, the policies of the German authorities changed in relation to the ROCD. Although Nazi officials did not really trust Lyade, but at some point (around 1945), the press reported that his father Seraphim Germans bet as the future of the Moscow Patriarch. (Kostryukov 2015, 100-101)

In the spring of 1945, with Vlasov, the leadership of the ROCI moved to Füssen, and later moved to Salzburg. After the war in the summer of 1945 Lyade was in Munich, in the American occupation zone of Germany. (Kostryukov 2015, 118)

In about 1947, according to the testimony of Arkady Zakidalsky, Metropolitan Seraphim thought about the transition to the Moscow Patriarchate and told him:

"To live for a long time. I can not go to deals with your conscience. Patriarch I consider it quite legal and canonical. One but go I stand in the grave. Orthodoxy took on conviction, and not for the sake of a career. Now, before death, my desire is to die in peace with the Russian Orthodox Church. Anastasiy about my moods knows and therefore, I try to drive me out of the Synod with all my might. Sooner or later, there will come between us. This is absolutely not afraid of me, because at present the material issue is less interested in me. If for some reason I will not be able to enter the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Moscow, then I will enter the subordination of the Patriarch of the Universal. Against the Orthodox Russian Church, I never opposed the Russian people. If he acted, only against communism. "

The readiness of Metropolitan Seraphim (Lyade) submit to the Moscow Patriarch and Metropolitan Seraphim wrote (Lukyanov), and Archpriest Stephan Lyashevsky. However, Metropolitan Seraphim into submission of the Moscow Patriarchate never entered.(Kostryukov 2015, 131-132)

Died from injured injuries in the hospital during an attack by unknown to the Lord on September 14, 1950 in the city of Golden (Munich Suburb).( 2006)

Metropolitan Seraphim (Lyade) (1883 - 1950)
Lyade Karl Georg Albert, in the baptism of seraphim

Bishop Seraphim (Lyade) at the ROCOR Council of Bishops in 1934