Boris Dorofeevich Yarushevich on December 31, 1891 (January 13, 1892) in Kovno, in the Family Archpriest. Father was the rector of the Koven Alexander-Nevsky Cathedral. In adolescence, the Boris Dorofeevich family moved to St. Petersburg. His father appointed the abbot of the Church of the Ksenia Institute.

Yarushevich finished the gymnasium with a gold medal in 1909 and entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University. A year later, he decided to go to learn to the Spiritual Academy, externally having passed the course of the spiritual seminary in three months. In August 1910, Yarushevich entered the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy. During the holidays, the future Lord leased to the Valaam monastery.(Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii 2017)

In 1914, Yarushevich graduated from the Academy and accepted the monastic post. During World War I, Hieromonakh Nikolai went to the front of the regimental priest of the Life Guard of the Finnish regiment. He suffered with rheumatism, he returned to Petrograd in 1915 and began his work in graduate school of the Spiritual Academy. He was engaged in teaching and in 1917 he defended his master's thesis on the topic "Church Court in Russia to edition of the Cathedral Claiming Alexei Mikhailovich (1649)." He was also published in the church magazines "Vera and Mesum", "Vera and Life", "Voice of the Church", "Church Vedomosti".

In 1918, he was appointed abbot of the Peter and Paul Temple in Peterhof. A year later, Metropolitan Petrogradsky Veniamin eased Nicholas's father in San Archimandrite and appointed a governor of Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Petrograd.
Archimandrite Nicholas April 7, 1922 was erected in San Bishop Peterhofsky and was appointed vicar of Petrograd Metropolis. (Nikitin 1982)

By 1923, the independence of Petrograd Metropolis began to disturb the Soviet power. In February, Nicholas's father was arrested and sent for three years in Ust-Kul (Zyryansky region). Being under investigation in a Butyla prison, he recognized the update.

In 1926, Vladyka Nikolay returned to Leningrad and continued his work in the diocese. Already in 1935, Yarushevich was built in the San of Archbishop Peterhofsky: he became one of the nearest assistant Metropolitan of Leningrad Alexia (the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia). Vladyka Nikolai was quite loyal to Soviet power. From 1936 to 1940, Yarushevich temporarily ruled the Novgorod and Pskov diocese. After joins to the Soviet Union of a number of territories in 1939, the father of Nikolai became the exam in the regions of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, and also received San Archbishop Lutsk and Volynsky.(Nikitin 1982)

The beginning of the war Vladyka met in Lutsk. Soon he had to leave the city and worked in the front-line zone. From February 1942 until September 1943 was in evacuation in Ulyanovsk. He worked at the emergency state commission to establish and investigate the atrocities of the German fascist invaders and their accomplices (appointed decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet on November 2, 1942).

On January 28, 1944, Nikolai's father was appointed Metropolitan Kratitsky, the Moscow Diocese, and, on the situation of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch governor. (Zhurnal Moskovskoy Patriarkhii 2017)

On April 4, 1946, the Department of External Church Relations (ties) was again created with the Sacred Synod (Moscow Patriarchate). Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) was appointed chairman

On March 25, 1947, the title "Krutitsky and Kolomensky" was awarded to commemorate the 25-year ministry in Episcopal San.(PSTGU. Fakul'tet IPM 2004)

It can be said that, the management of OVDS, Metropolitan Nikolai actually designed the entire system of post-war church diplomacy of the Moscow Patriarchate. Vladyka participated in the preparation of the meeting of the Proposals and representatives of the Avtochefal Orthodox Churches in Moscow on the days of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Avtochefalius of the Russian Orthodox Church (July 8-18, 1948).

In 1949, Metropolitan Nikolai participated in the First World Congress of Peace supporters (Paris, April 1949). He was also chosen by a member of the Standing Committee of the World Congress of Peace supporters.
Also Metropolitan Nikolai played in establishing relations between the ROC and the Evangelical Church of the FRG. In 1952, in the Soviet Union, the Chairman of the OSDS of the Evangelical Church of the Federal Republic of Germany Pastor Dr. Martin Nieloler.

Metropolitan Nikolai took part in a number of forums that contributed to the gradual improvement of the international climate and the transition to the policy of peaceful coexistence; He made speeches in defense of peace in Warsaw (1950), Berlin (1951), Berlin and Vienna (1952), Budapest and Vienna (1953), Berlin and Stockholm (1954), Helsinki and Oslo (1955), Stockholm and Oslo, New York, Philadelphia, Washington and other US cities (1956). Great resonance had his radio access to believers West Germany (August 31, 1953) and to the believers of Scandinavian countries (December 24, 1955).

Vladyka had many awards from churches and various states. For the combination of theological and church-historical work, Metropolitan Nikolai was awarded in 1949 by a scientific degree of Doctor of theology of the Moscow Theological Academy. The honorary degree of Doctor of theology was awarded Metropolitan Nikolai Sofia Spiritual Academy named after St. Clement Ohrid, Orthodox Bogoslovsky Faculty of PRESHOVA and theological Faculty of Yana Gus in Prague (Czech Republic), Reformed Church in Hungary and the Orthodox Bologosovsky Institute in Clude (Romania).
By the end of the 50s, relations with the authorities and inside the Patriarchate were aggravated. In 1960, Metropolitan goes on peace. On December 13, 1961, Yarushevich died in the Botkin Hospital from heart infarct.(Nikitin 1982)

Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) (1891 - 1982)
Metropolitan Nikolai (Boris Dorofeevich Yarushevich)