Konstantin Vladimirovich Rodzaevskii (1907-1946)

Konstantin Vladimirovich Rodzaevskii

Rodzaevskii was вorn on August 11, 1907, in Blagoveshchensk. In 1925, Rodzaevskii went to Harbin, and in 1928, his father moved there. Konstantin entered the Law Institute in Harbin.¹

In 1925, as a student, Rodzaevskii joined fascist political organizations. And in 1927, he joined the radical Union of Professor Nikiforov, the organization of his teacher. He also joined the Russian Fascist Organization without hesitation. For participation in this kind of activity, he was expelled from the institute, and only in 1929 did Rodzaevskii achieve restoration at the institute and receive a diploma. On May 26, 1931, the Russian Fascist Party (RFP) was created in Harbin with the participation of Rodzaevskii. Rodzaevsky then took over as General Secretary of the party. In the 1930s, the leader of the RFP actively published articles in the fascist newspaper “Our Way” and the magazine “Nation”, which put forth an anti-Semitic stance. In 1941, he supported the Nazi invasion of the USSR.²

On June 27, 1941, Rodzaevsky declared: “Comrades-in-arms! The Russian National Revolution has begun! There is no return back. Russia will either perish, or it will be ours!”. The leader of the Russian fascists had very high hopes for a German invasion. During the war, Rodzaevsky led the underground and sabotage work of the All-Russian Fascist Party on the borders of the USSR. In 1945, he changed his attitude towards Soviet power and believed that it had been reborn. Rodzaevsky decided to return to the USSR and start publicist work. Instead of his promised work in the country of the Soviets, the leader of the Russian fascists went to prison in the Lubyanka. From August 26 to August 30, 1946, an open meeting of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court was held under the chairmanship of Vasily Vasilyevich Ulrich, at which the fate of Rodzaevsky was decided. On August 30, 1946, Rodzaevsky was shot in the basement of the Lubyanka.³

[1] Gusev, Konstantin. 'Rodzayevskiy Konstantin Vladimirovich'. Hronos , 2000. http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/bio_r/rodzaevsky.php.
[2] Zhdanov, Dmitry. 'Russian natsional-sotsialisty v Germanii (1933-1939 gg.)'. Russia i modern world , no. 3(20) (1998). http://nature.web.ru:8001/db/msg.html?mid=1187672.
[3] Stefan, John. Russkiye fashisty: Tragediya i fars v emigratsii, 1925-1945 . Moscow: Slovo, 1992.